ISTC and the Forest Preserve District of Cook County have a history of working together to improve sustainability. Their latest partnership has resulted in the Forest Preserves’ Sustainability & Climate Resiliency Plan, in which they set a goal to reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 80 percent by 2050.
The plan is divided into five priority areas:
Utilities & Emissions
- Focus areas include GHG emissions measuring, reporting and reductions; green infrastructure integration; and water use tracking and efficiency
- Major objectives include reducing energy consumption by 4.5 percent annually and developing green building and site standards for future projects
Preserve Operations
- Focus areas include transportation and waste and recycling
- Major objectives include reducing fuel usage by 4.5 percent annually and expanding recycling program to all FPCC facilities
Learning & Engagement
- Focus areas include awareness and visibility, community engagement and employee engagement
- Major objectives include promoting green practices with permit holders and enhancing Earth Day sustainability programming
Ecological Sustainability
- Focus areas include natural resources management and practices
- Major objectives include establishing Mitigating Impacts to Nature Policy as well as a Native Seed Policy outreach plan
Implementation & Advancement
- Focus areas include green purchasing
- Major objectives include establishing a Green Purchasing Policy, establishing and promoting a plastic reduction campaign, and increasing energy rebates and incentives with utilities
To learn more about the plan, visit the Forest Preserve District of Cook County or download the publication from IDEALS.