Tips for a 2015 Waste-Free Holiday

old maps used as wrapping paper on gifts with a little bit of white and red ribbon to finish the look.

Imagine a simple holiday season without a bunch of stuff to clean up in the end. You might think that it can only happen in your dreams, but it is easier than you might think. Take a look at the blog we wrote last year called, “9 Ways to have a Waste Free Holiday.”


Are you traveling over the holidays? Whether you are going to Grandma’s or heading south for some warmth and sun, we all like to take our favorite things with us. But, consider this: how much volume will all those one-time-use travel toiletries and bought-on-the-go travel snacks take up in the landfill? Holiday traveling can indeed be waste-free! Check out the “Waste Free Holiday Travel” blog by KathrynH on Second-Hand Tales or “Philippines: a Zero Waste and Plastic Free Holiday” by Erin Rhoads on Rogue Ginger for some helpful zero waste travel tips.