September 8 is Protect Your Groundwater Day!

You may not realize it, but you are standing on a lake. If you are reading this in East Central Illinois, you are standing a few feet above the Mahomet Aquifer, an underground water supply that spans 14 counties. Similar large and small groundwater sources are scattered across the country.

We might not think about groundwater much, but it is vitally important. For example, the Mahomet Aquifer is the primary source of drinking water and water for commercial, industrial, and agricultural uses across the 14-county area, supplying approximately 220 million gallons of water per day. Globally, 99% of usable freshwater is stored in these underground reservoirs.

Because groundwater makes up the majority of our water supply, we need to make sure we are keeping it safe from contamination and using it wisely to avoid waste. The National Ground Water Association has designated September 8th as Protect Your Groundwater Day, with information about what you can do to protect your local aquifer.

ISTC is also committed to protecting groundwater. Its upcoming seminar series on water quality and water conservation kicks off this Thursday, September 10th with a talk by the Illinois State Water Survey’s Walt Kelly on State and Regional Water Supply Planning in Illinois. In addition, ISTC’s Technical Assistance and Sponsored Research Programs have helped businesses across Illinois cut down on water waste and contamination since 1985. We’re also hosting the One Billion Gallon Water Challenge to encourage individuals, organizations, communities, and businesses to make the pledge to conserve water in Illinois.

Please join us today and every day in Protecting Your Groundwater!