Ameren Illinois Energy Efficiency Program launches “Made in Illinois” incentive

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The Ameren Illinois Energy Efficiency Program provides energy efficiency guidance and solutions for single-family residences, multifamily property owners and renters, and businesses within the Ameren Illinois utility service territory. For business customers, the Efficiency Program provides free energy consultations and can assist with finding incentives on energy-efficient equipment; provides an online store with discounts on items like smart thermostats, smart LEDs, advanced power strips, and more; assists with finding energy advisors, free resources, and contractors for energy efficiency projects; and can help companies explore industry-specific energy-saving technologies and solutions.

The Efficiency Program recently announced a “Made in Illinois” incentive for its business customers completing energy efficiency projects. Business customers that purchase and install Illinois-manufactured products at their facilities as part of their energy efficiency projects can earn a cash bonus, added to pre-approved Efficiency Program cash incentives. The bonus consists of an additional 5% added to the Early Completion Bonus for projects completed January 1, 2022 through September 30, 2022.  If your project qualifies, your facility could receive up to 20% more incentive dollars through March 31, 2022. The tiered bonus structure is as follows:

Table, which shows different incentives by project completion date. Projects completed by March 31, 2022 can get an early completion bonus of 15% or a Made in Illinois bonus of 20%. Projects completed by June 30, 2022 can get an early completion bonus of 10% or a Made in Illinois bonuse of 15%. Projects completed by September 30, 2022 can get an early completion bonus of 5% or a Made in Illinois bonuse of 10%.

Eligibility: Equipment must be at least 50% manufactured and/or assembled in Illinois (exclusive of packaging and installation); product installation is not considered “assembly.” The project must be completed between Jan. 1, 2022 and Sept. 30, 2022. Qualifying projects will receive either the Early Completion Bonus OR the Made in Illinois Bonus–not both.

How to Apply: A section will soon be added to all energy efficiency project applications through the Efficiency Program for the Made in Illinois Bonus and will include the following:

  • A checkbox to indicate if the equipment listed on the application meets the criteria
  • A line to enter equipment manufacturer and model
  • Instructions to submit documentation of eligible equipment with the application
    • Documentation of eligibility must be either a listing of the equipment on the website showing that it was made in Illinois, or an affidavit from the manufacturer attesting that the equipment meets the criteria.

Visit the Ameren Illinois Energy Efficiency Program website for the most up to date information on this and other incentives.

For businesses outside the Ameren Illinois Service Territory, other utility energy efficiency assistance programs and incentives include:

Note: ISTC does not endorse, either explicitly or implicitly, any particular manufacturer, vendor, product, or service. The above information is provided for reference only.