ISTC Technical Assistance Program helps Spraying Systems Co. communicate sustainability goals

ISTC’s Technical Assistance Program led a project at Spraying Systems Co. to help them define and communicate their sustainability goals using Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards.

The project included determining the company’s materiality. This process involves engaging internal and external stakeholders to identify and determine the relative importance of economic, environmental and social issues that impact on the company’s business performance. They also analyzed the company’s metrics to comply with GRI standards and assisted them with compiling a sustainability report.

Some of the company’s initiatives include:

  • Purchasing raw materials with recycled material when possible
  • Water reuse in R&D processes
  • Recycling brass, steel, aluminum, plastic and paper
  • Bulk purchasing to reduce packaging waste
  • Composting in our cafeteria
  • Reducing electricity use for lighting through fixture and ballast upgrades and solar panel installation
  • Natural gas conservation through HVAC equipment and building upgrades
  • Health and wellness programs for our employees
  • Safety training and continuing education programs
  • Community outreach programs

The final report is GRI-Referenced, which means that the company used selected GRI Standards to report their economic, environmental and/or social impacts.

Read a summary of the report on the Spraying Systems web site. The full report is available from the company upon request.

If your company is interested in collaborating on a similar project, contact the Technical Assistance team.